
Hello Local 338 members,

The Local participated in this year’s Pride event in a big way. This was our first big community Communicating CUPE event of the season, with our CUPE 338 Events Tent making its debut on the scene. With our CUPE 338 volunteer spirt, our tent and tables were assembled in record time and manned by the always happy faces of our Union. We managed to give out 750 rainbow cookies, Local swag and swag provided by CUPE National and the Southern Interior District Council to rave reviews by folks attending.

Our volunteer staff included,  Patti Meger ( husband Jim Meger), Carmel Joy, Dale Aulenback ( and both their dogs), Scott Alexander, Linda Phillips, Ross Whalen ( son Jace Whalen). Other volunteers of honorable mention from CUPE National, Rachel Champagne, Carissa Taylor and Deea Bailey.  From the SIDC, Cindy Ozouf ( daughter Cora). Without volunteers to help host events such as this, it would not have been the success that it was. Attendees of the event were interested in what the role of our Union is, as well many attendees were appreciative of all the hard work that our Union has done to fight for and recognize marginalized groups in society.

Anyways, a super fun event, everyone was friendly, and the vibe was positive from start to finish!

In Solidarity,  Ross Whalen, President CUPE Local 338

City Of Kelowna and CUPE 338

News Release


CUPE Local 338 and the City of Kelowna have ratified a new collective agreement that will support City of Kelowna staff over the next two years. The agreement is effective Jan. 1, 2024 through Dec. 31, 2025. The previous agreement is set to expire this December.

“We are pleased to have finalized a new collective agreement before the current agreement expired. Securing a new collective agreement during these turbulent economic times provides some security for staff as well as citizens who rely on City services,” said Stu Leatherdale, Divisional Director, Corporate & Protective Services. “The agreement ensures Kelowna can attract and retain the diverse and skilled work force we need.”

The new agreement will see an increase of four per cent in 2024 and four per cent in 2025. This agreement includes an additional 4 per cent market based adjustment which would be implemented on October 1, 2023 prior to the new two-year agreement commencing.

“Over the past few years, inflationary pressures have been challenging for CUPE 338 members,” said Ross Whalen, CUPE Local 338 President. “With the immediate 4 per cent followed by two annual 4 per cent increases, this agreement is a start to addressing the rising costs of living in terms of wage increases over the next contract.”

CUPE 338 consists of approximately 850 members representing about 75 per cent of the City of Kelowna’s workforce. CUPE members are responsible for delivering a number of services to citizens requiring expertise ranging from roadways maintenance to financial analysts to water quality to planning and development services.